The AI Organization

The AI Organization

6 Billion of the Worlds Citizens Bio-Metrics Extracted China's Communist Government has extracted over 6 billion peoples biometrics, including facial, voice and personal health data to empower their Quantum Artificial Intelligence program meant...
Your smart phone, actually connects not only with the Internet, but to your Bio-Digital Human Network, Bio-Digital Field, and attacks your own Bio-Matter which gives you human characteristics. Any connection to you via IoT, Smart Phones,...
The bio-tech industry is developing at an accelerated rate with the advancement of Artificial Intelligence. The hopes of creating smart cities, extending life spans, cloning, printing organs and body parts are within the horizon. Tech companies have...
Digital Codes in Google & Baidu Platforms This AI Intelligence report is not to blame anyone or particular entity mentioned, yet it discloses some key elements in a Pawn Game with a global...
Since the beginning of 2020 there were three claims that falsely mobilized tens of millions on the conservative and liberal sides down a destructive path of polarization. These claims penetrated every nation, sector and class of...
This is an extract of interview by Global Center for Quitting the CCP Question: Cyrus, could you please introduce your company and main book Artificial Intelligence Dangers to Humanity?
Why would a Facial Recognition Company that transitioned to AI, suddenly purchase so many Robotic Factories all over China? Face++ promotes their open source software in the U.S and around the world, giving it access to...
Micro-Botic Terrorism-Coined By Cyrus A. Parsa, January, 2019. Micro Botic Terrorism is a term I coined in early 2019 to describe the weaponization of micro drones, nanobots, virus's, micro-botics and an array of...
Drones Transforming Democratic Nations to Socialist Despots on 5G Drones can track, monitor, scan, extract data, record, swarm, quarantine and even take out a target on 5G networks led with various AI based...
The Age of Artificial Intelligence, Machines, 5G and the Internet of things are upon us. The complexity, challenges, hopes and dangers are enormous and interconnect every person on the planet in many ways. The Geo-Politics of AI,...