AI, Robotics & Bio-Metrics Research, Risk & Innovation Specialists
The AI Organization specializes in research, design, development, risk assessment and vulnerability consultation of Humanoid Robots, Micro-Botics, AI & Robotic Terrorism, AI Automated Drones, AI Automated Assassination Prevention, AI Bio-Engineering, AI Genetic Modification, AI Automated Cybernetics, AI Automated Cloning, AI Automated Animal-Human Hybrid System Detection, AI Automated Security Systems, AI Scanning Apparatus, AI Detection Apparatus, IoT, Smart Home, Smart City, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality, Alternate Reality Hologram Apparatus, The Human Bio-Digital Network, Bio-Digital Field, Bio-Matter, General Bio-Metrics, Facial Recognition, Voice Recognition, Human Body Detection Apparatus, Lidar, Machine Learning, Deep Learning (DL), (Artificial Intelligence (AI), Artificial Intelligence Nano-Technology, Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), Super Intelligence, the AI Global Bio-Digital Network and Military, Political and Governmental AI Risk & Operating Procedures for Prevention, Emergency & Response.
Cyrus A. Parsa, Founder & CEO
Director, Creative AI Analysis & Defensive Innovations
Director, Creative Analysis & Defensive AI Innovations
Cyrus A. Parsa, is the Founder and CEO of The AI Organization, where he is also Director of Creative Analysis & Defensive Innovations. He has researched and investigated more than 1,000 AI, Robotics, 5G, Cybernetic and Big Tech companies. Cyrus has a B.S in International Security, Master’s degree in Homeland Security, and lived with Buddhist-Taoist fighting monks in the mountains of China studying internal Wudang arts and meditation. He is an expert in AI, Quantum, 5G, Security, U.S-China-Iran, UFO R&D affairs and the author of several books.
Predicting & Detecting Covid 19:
In Spring of 2019, and early 2020, Cyrus predicted, detected and warned accurately in numerous way’s that the world’s people were in impending danger from a Disease or Bio-Weapon (Coronavirus) from China CCP that would lead to conflicts, AI enslavement, famines, misuse of bio-tech, civil wars, deaths, and world wars.
Cyrus provided solutions as remedy, all in an effort to save the lives and freedoms of You and Your families.
*June 2019, Secret Service 5 Page Brief: Bioweapon (Poison) from China within 6 months-1 Year, than global enslavement within 1-2 years.
*June 15th, 62 Page Report to Fmr. CIA Director, Covert-Op, China threatens the worlds citizens with AI and Bio-Weapons.
*August 24th, 2019, Published the book AI, Trump, China and the Weaponization of Robotics with 5G. First sentence in Synopsis stated World in Danger, China and Big tech Threaten all the world citizens with Micro-Botic Terrorism (Poison, Virus, Bioweapon) and AI enslavement.
*October 20th, 2019, Bestselling AI book: Artificial Intelligence Dangers to Humanity. China-Big Tech threaten world with MBT, AI enslavement, listed 50 companies. Warned of Covid 19 pages 252-255.
*December 16th, 2019 and Feb 24th, 2020: World’s people Endangered by China CCP, bio-weapon, enslavement and AI misuse 87 page Federal Document filed to warn the worlds citizens were in immediate danger from China CCP, as media did not believe Cyrus or support him in time with a platform to provide solutions to save lives. Cyrus wrote the Federal document on behalf of every person on the planet, to explain in one shot, that the Bioweapon would not only lead to lives lost, but tech tyranny, famines, and potential civil and world wars. Document and books reached over 2 billion people in over 200 countries through social media, back channels and word of mouth.
Cyrus is also the author of a new book THE GREAT RESET: How Big Tech Elites and the World’s People Can Be Enslaved by China CCP or A.I. and a rape-human trafficking prevention book called Raped via Bio-Digital Social Programming.
Cyrus is also the producer of the Documentary CCP Virus Gate: The plan to stop China CCP’s AI Bioweapon Extinction Agenda and the creator of the movie AI: THE PLAN TO INVADE HUMANITY
Because the media did not give coverage to Cyrus to properly warn that the worlds people were in impending danger, as a last resort Cyrus filed the biggest lawsuit in human history consisting of 87 pages on 12-16-2019, updated to disclose John Does on February 24th, 2020, (Legal Complaint Has Standing)Against China’s Communist Regime, some Silicon Valley heads, major world leaders, media outlets, and institutes to bring awareness and accountability if mistakes not remedied. Charging defendants with endangering the worlds people, complicity, weaponization of AI Bio-Tech, robotics, drones, facial recognition misuse, Complicity to Chinese genocide, negligent transfer of Bio-Tech to China, and bio-metric social media manipulation of peoples emotions, thoughts, and neural networks as they engage with smart phones, IoT, media and the world at large. Cyrus’s intention was not to single out just these few entities, rather to warn the worlds citizens were in danger, including the defendants, and to allow them to make an immediate change with China CCP by getting these entities to make a change for the worlds well-being. Defendants who were mostly liberal elites on the document, with secret conservative elites on John Doe lists unlimited, were not served for multiple reasons, one being elite conservatives in media/government kept on stealing/plagiarizing off of Cyrus’s work by abusing religion, and using manipulation on the public to censor him while he was trying to warn and provide solutions for the world’s citizens well-being. Everyone contributed in some way or another to the worlds issues, not just people on the left who were pointed out, liberals, but conservatives, peoples of all walks of lives were complicit or negligent in some way or another. Cyrus wishes for the world to end its negative path, increase their virtues, ethics, by doing so improving the future and well being of every person in the world through free will, respect and enlightenment. He also runs Loyal Guardian Security, which specializes in China and Iran Intelligence and risk assessment created to assist in making our society safer and better. He is an expert in US, China & Iran affairs, and has consulted on Human-Organ Tracking, Anti-Terrorism, Vulnerability, Risk Assessments, Asset Management and Emerging Threats to governments, agencies, people and organizations. He also speaks Chinese, Persian, and English. With 20 years of hidden research and development in his consultation work, he assesses & provides guidance for clients from a multi-dimensional and multi-layered perspective. He maintains networks of thousands of Chinese and Western influencers and intelligence assets, allowing for great insight into the threats we face from China, Iran and the Western inter-connectivity of these countries. Cyrus’s discoveries have led him to coin the new and very complex concepts “The AI Global Bio-Digital Network, The Human Bio-Digital Network, Bio-Digital Social Programming, Bio-Digital Field, Bio-Matter, Rape-Mind, Bio-Digital Hybrid Sexual Assault & Micro-Botic Terrorism.” These terms were needed in order to explain the dangers we face, and how they are rooted in these almost imperceptible elements that are now connecting with Artificial Intelligence, 5-G, Society, Smart Phones, the “Internet of Things,” “Smart Cities,” Cybernetics, Bio-Engineering and Robotics all through one AI platform. Within this platform, Cyrus found extinction codes, in stages in the next 20 years, for humanity