The AI Organization

The AI Organization

Chinese CCP Dictator Jiang Zemin was mentioned On page 253 of Artificial Intelligence Dangers to Humanity. I published on page 253 that an invisible weapon is being launched by the CCP and that the Fmr. Dictator Jiang...
Since the beginning of 2020 there were three claims that falsely mobilized tens of millions on the conservative and liberal sides down a destructive path of polarization. These claims penetrated every nation, sector and class of...
This Press Release makes public our Report to the White House and Secret Service in the Spring of 2019, entailing China’s plan to use Micro-Bot’s, cybernetic enhanced dragon flies, and Robo insect drones infused with poison, guided by...
China's Communist Government has been attempting to build a God Like AI Machine stolen from Google's Deepmind AI. They were able to do this with espionage, forced tech transfer, IP theft, plagiarism, and collaboration with Google. Their...
A few steps remain for China's plans for a military expansion into Taiwan with the incorporation of an AI Digital Brain that can connect to the 5G network to power drones, machines, robotics, surveillance systems, and...
Google has had a base in China for years providing training and Artificial Intelligence expertise to Chinese companies who are beholden to the Chinese Communist Regime's will. Eric Schmidt, Former CEO of Google, played a role...
China has advanced its Artificial Intelligence capability to scary levels through espionage, force tech transfers, open-source sharing, collaboration, IP theft, western investment and a lot of practice. According to our intelligence, China has around 1,000 start...
The AI Organization's AI bio-metric scans of the human brain have decoded a bio-logical structure in the pineal gland that interconnects throughout the neural network of the human brain. We have termed the entire interconnection as...
In respect for and the sprit of Black History Month, the Black Community and the security of humanity at large, I write this article as a warning about China CCP, their racism, and ask that it be...