The AI Organization

The AI Organization

The following findings by Cyrus. A. Parsa, The AI Organization, were discovered by using Cutting Edge Bio-Metric tools, and validated with patents and the obvious common sense, cause and affect. Video Version Below
Drones Transforming Democratic Nations to Socialist Despots on 5G Drones can track, monitor, scan, extract data, record, swarm, quarantine and even take out a target on 5G networks led with various AI based...
The AI Organization's AI bio-metric scans of the human brain have decoded a bio-logical structure in the pineal gland that interconnects throughout the neural network of the human brain. We have termed the entire interconnection as...
A few steps remain for China's plans for a military expansion into Taiwan with the incorporation of an AI Digital Brain that can connect to the 5G network to power drones, machines, robotics, surveillance systems, and...
China needs Facial Recognition AI technology to closely identify, spy, track, influence, sabotage, threaten, quarantine, hunt, arrest or kill its owns citizens who are not in compliance with Communist law. Hong Kong students and its people...
2018-2019 Chinese Bioweapon Lab Discussions Declassified from our Surveillance In late 2018, our surveillance systems picked up conversations and activities of lab technicians inside of China and the Chinese military special operations bioweapon programs....
Stay Tuned. The most significant and largest Lawsuit of the 21st century will be released shortly. It is of the utmost importance, and affects us all. Everyone must know and should support. Please View Video Explanation. Original article released in December can be found on this website giving a further overview...
Tik Tok is a Chinese App owned by Bytance with predatory features geared towards a younger audience meant to subvert nation states. Little girls and boys are dancing to it as the AI algorithms use Deep...
AI and Facial Recognition China uses multiple big tech companies to supplement it's security, police and military tracking apparatus. One such company is Mgveii Face++. Originally it was a facial recognition company that...