The AI Organization

The AI Organization

Facial Recognition is not the only way to identify a group or an individual. The Chinese Regime through espionage, forced tech transfer, IP theft, corporate mergers and open-source sharing has developed Human Body Detection Software sourced...
AI Deep Learning "Deep Learning, resembles a human beings process to observe information by smell, touch, taste, visual, audible or subconscious senses that can be deemed as gut feelings all combined to recognize,...
Bioengineering of human beings have been tried throughout the world by the Military Industrial Complex, secret labs, governments, and corporations. I unclassified this information with relation to China on Aug 24th, 2019 with the publication of AI,... Please View Video Explanation. Original article released in December can be found on this website giving a further overview...
Why would a Facial Recognition Company that transitioned to AI, suddenly purchase so many Robotic Factories all over China? Face++ promotes their open source software in the U.S and around the world, giving it access to... Full Article Coming Soon.
Bio-Digital Social Programming What is Bio-Digital Social Programming? Bio-Digital Social Programming uses emotions, culture, touch, sound, sight, voice and proximity of bio-digital fields and bio-matter with written words, movies, music, and dance to...
Cyrus A. Parsa, Courtesy of Siarhei Yurchanka Dreamstime The discovery that A.I. systems were tagging humans and people of faith as resistant to A.I. by Cyrus A. Parsa of The AI Organization...
Corona Virus Death Count Under Reported Numerous reports have reached The AI Organization that the actual number of people exposed to the virus is in the millions, in a country of over 1.5...
Since the beginning of 2020 there were three claims that falsely mobilized tens of millions on the conservative and liberal sides down a destructive path of polarization. These claims penetrated every nation, sector and class of...