The AI Organization

The AI Organization

Complicity Clause in Article 3 and Censorship by Facebook AI Facebook as a corporation may have a right to choose who can advertise what and the type of content...
Digital Codes in Google & Baidu Platforms This AI Intelligence report is not to blame anyone or particular entity mentioned, yet it discloses some key elements in a Pawn Game with a global...
I approve this message, Cyrus A. Parsa, The AI Organization The Following Categories are not limited to Article 3 of the Genocide Convention, rather Article 1, 2, 4, and U.S codes on Genocide,...
Since the beginning of 2020 there were three claims that falsely mobilized tens of millions on the conservative and liberal sides down a destructive path of polarization. These claims penetrated every nation, sector and class of...
In early 2019, The AI Organization, discovered China plans to use Huawei to Dominate BRI by connecting an AI digital brain to robotics and drones via the 5G network. China can enslave humanity, as it would...
DECLASSIFIED May-June 2019 Cyrus-Trump Contact Bio-Weapon/Virus Report I met with President Trump's Family friend in Washington D.C on May and June 2019. I told him that in China the CCP is building an invisible...
Drones Transforming Democratic Nations to Socialist Despots on 5G Drones can track, monitor, scan, extract data, record, swarm, quarantine and even take out a target on 5G networks led with various AI based...
China needs Facial Recognition AI technology to closely identify, spy, track, influence, sabotage, threaten, quarantine, hunt, arrest or kill its owns citizens who are not in compliance with Communist law. Hong Kong students and its people...
The Chinese regime uses espionage, forced tech transfer, IP theft and collaboration with foreign AI companies to accelerate it's military AI operations. Google has had 2 AI research centers in China, while at the same time...
A few steps remain for China's plans for a military expansion into Taiwan with the incorporation of an AI Digital Brain that can connect to the 5G network to power drones, machines, robotics, surveillance systems, and...