The AI Organization

The AI Organization

6 Billion of the Worlds Citizens Bio-Metrics Extracted China's Communist Government has extracted over 6 billion peoples biometrics, including facial, voice and personal health data to empower their Quantum Artificial Intelligence program meant...
Tik Tok is a Chinese App owned by Bytance with predatory features geared towards a younger audience meant to subvert nation states. Little girls and boys are dancing to it as the AI algorithms use Deep...
AI Deep Learning "Deep Learning, resembles a human beings process to observe information by smell, touch, taste, visual, audible or subconscious senses that can be deemed as gut feelings all combined to recognize,...
The Chinese regime uses espionage, forced tech transfer, IP theft and collaboration with foreign AI companies to accelerate it's military AI operations. Google has had 2 AI research centers in China, while at the same time...
The relationship between Iran (Persia) and China (Middle Kingdom) goes back 2300 hundred years to the Qing Dynasty's first dispatch of exploratory missions to Persia. The ancient Chinese and Greeks described in their literature the...
AI? "Bringing to Life an intelligence or importing an intelligence that thinks, researches, feels, creates, decides and has desires to operate as an individual, symbiotic or collective entity in the bio-digital world...
China's Communist Government has been attempting to build a God Like AI Machine stolen from Google's Deepmind AI. They were able to do this with espionage, forced tech transfer, IP theft, plagiarism, and collaboration with Google. Their...
In the Months of January and February, during the greatest upheavals of the Chinese Communist Virus (CCP Virus), registered Cell Phone users dropped by more than 21.5 Million people. I first published in February 7th, that...
China and Iran's AKA (Persia) have a relationship going back 2300 hundred years. Both have had massive empires with one dynasty after another as they connected through the silk road. Currently they are connecting through the BRI...
The bio-tech industry is developing at an accelerated rate with the advancement of Artificial Intelligence. The hopes of creating smart cities, extending life spans, cloning, printing organs and body parts are within the horizon. Tech companies have...