The AI Organization

The AI Organization

China needs Facial Recognition AI technology to closely identify, spy, track, influence, sabotage, threaten, quarantine, hunt, arrest or kill its owns citizens who are not in compliance with Communist law. Hong Kong students and its people...
About The AI Organization The AI Organization specializes in research, design, development, risk assessment and vulnerability consultation of Humanoid Robots, Micro-Botics, AI & Robotic Terrorism, AI Automated Drones, AI...
Corona Virus Death Count Under Reported Numerous reports have reached The AI Organization that the actual number of people exposed to the virus is in the millions, in a country of over 1.5...
Shen Zhen & Hong Kong Tech Hubs Not many have considered why China wants Honk Kong, other than to expand the One Belt One Road Initiatives. Yet, besides the city of Shen Zhen,...
Western Collaboration Enables Micro-Bots Through forced tech transfers, IP theft, mergers, investments, open-source sharing, and collaboration with Western universities and corporations, the Chinese regime is attempting to create AI Micro-Botic Assault Drones. Through...
Google has had a base in China for years providing training and Artificial Intelligence expertise to Chinese companies who are beholden to the Chinese Communist Regime's will. Eric Schmidt, Former CEO of Google, played a role...
This is the most significant and important lawsuit of the 21st century, and it impacts the entire world. CEO's and Founders Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Sergey Brin, Larry Page and Sandar Pichai are also named as...
AI Deep Learning "Deep Learning, resembles a human beings process to observe information by smell, touch, taste, visual, audible or subconscious senses that can be deemed as gut feelings all combined to recognize,...
A few steps remain for China's plans for a military expansion into Taiwan with the incorporation of an AI Digital Brain that can connect to the 5G network to power drones, machines, robotics, surveillance systems, and...