Huawei AI: China Plans to Rule BRI on 5G with Machines & Drones Using an A.I. Digital Brain
In early 2019, The AI Organization, discovered China plans to use Huawei to Dominate BRI by connecting an AI digital brain to robotics and drones via the 5G network. China can enslave humanity, as it would allow the Chinese regime to control drones, micro-bots, humanoid robots, automated, infrastructure, IoTs, smart phones and all data pertaining to...
What are the inter-connections between AI, U.S, China, Big Tech and the worlds use of Facial Recognition, Bio-Metrics, Drones, Smart Phones, Smart Cities, IoT, VR, Mixed Reality, 5G, Robotics, Cybernetics, & Bio-Digital Social Programming? We will cover present, emerging and future threats of Artificial Intelligence with Big Tech, including technology that...
AI Based Espionage in China Records NBA Players Private Actions for Future Extortion
In the past, when foreign businessmen, investors and celebrities visited China, at least 2 government officials were tasked to follow and spy on them discretely. This was done for intelligence gathering and to obtain compromising materials for extortion. Now, with Facial Recognition, Human Detection Software and AI automated systems that communicate with command centers on...
China Can Enslave Humanity with Artificial Intelligence, Robotics & Drones on 5G Network
China has advanced its Artificial Intelligence capability to scary levels through espionage, force tech transfers, open-source sharing, collaboration, IP theft, western investment and a lot of practice. According to our intelligence, China has around 1,000 start ups each day in the tech industry, and every one is centered on Artificial Intelligence. Drones, Smart Phones, IoT's, Deep...
Hong Kong in Danger: Megvii Face++ Human Body Detection Used to Hunt Down Student Protesters
Facial Recognition is not the only way to identify a group or an individual. The Chinese Regime through espionage, forced tech transfer, IP theft, corporate mergers and open-source sharing has developed Human Body Detection Software sourced through Megvii Face++, AKA Kuangshi and numerous other entities we have documented and investigated. Bio-Metrics is a vast network that...
Free Hong Kong: China’s Battle Over A.I. Robotics, 5G Dominance & Hanson Robotics
Shen Zhen & Hong Kong Tech Hubs
Not many have considered why China wants Honk Kong, other than to expand the One Belt One Road Initiatives. Yet, besides the city of Shen Zhen, Hong Kong is a Technological Powerhouse. As disclosed in our findings "AI, Trump, China & The Weaponization of Robotics with...
Anti-Mask Law in Hong Kong is about Facial Recognition & A.I. to Track Families & Friends
China needs Facial Recognition AI technology to closely identify, spy, track, influence, sabotage, threaten, quarantine, hunt, arrest or kill its owns citizens who are not in compliance with Communist law. Hong Kong students and its people are challenging China's moves to take over their freedoms by taking to the streets. The masks served as one layer...
Artificial Intelligence with Facial Recognition Hunts Hong Kong Youth For Capture, Rape & So Called Suicide
Artificial intelligence incorporated in facial, voice, and numerous other bio-metrics can be deadly. It is able to scan, locate, track, hunt, quarantine, arrest, and lead to a persons death. These technologies were provided by big tech to China. They are found in your phones, IoT, smart Homes, vehicles, drones and camera systems to name just a...
Chinese Hikvision Cameras 1 Mile from White House & Around the World Pose Great Security Risks
In the spring of 2019, we expanded our investigations of 1,000 Big Tech Chinese and Western Companies to Hikvision's security camera's in the U.S. I thought to investigate my suspicion that made in China camera's that were banned in many parts of the world for espionage, exist close to the most powerful house in the...
Smart Phone Designed by Big Tech to Bio-Digitally Social Program You?
Your smart phone, actually connects not only with the Internet, but to your Bio-Digital Human Network, Bio-Digital Field, and attacks your own Bio-Matter which gives you human characteristics. Any connection to you via IoT, Smart Phones, Smart Cities, and Computers connect with your bio-field creating a replicating software that reprograms you layer by layer in mostly...