The AI Organization

The AI Organization


Security News & Analysis on the Trump Administration

This is the most significant and important lawsuit of the 21st century, and it impacts the entire world. CEO's and Founders Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Sergey Brin, Larry Page and Sandar Pichai are also named as...
Micro-Botic Terrorism-Coined By Cyrus A. Parsa, January, 2019. Micro Botic Terrorism is a term I coined in early 2019 to describe the weaponization of micro drones, nanobots, virus's, micro-botics and an array of...
The Chinese Communist Regime, has persecuted, raped, tortured, enslaved, and murdered its own citizens for 70 years since its inception. This does not exclude mass enslavement and organ harvesting of Falun Dafa Practitioners, Tibetans, Christians, Uygurs,...
Funtap P,Dreamstime. President Trump has done a splendid job rebuilding the military, creating the American AI Initiative and the U.S Space Force, all while under a barrage of constant digital attacks that...
Shen Zhen & Hong Kong Tech Hubs Not many have considered why China wants Honk Kong, other than to expand the One Belt One Road Initiatives. Yet, besides the city of Shen Zhen,...
The following findings by Cyrus. A. Parsa, The AI Organization, were discovered by using Cutting Edge Bio-Metric tools, and validated with patents and the obvious common sense, cause and affect. Video Version Below
Following Discoveries & Conclusion's Come from Investigating 1,000+ AI, Robotics, 5G, Biometrics and Bioengineering Companies by Cyrus A. Parsa As described in the books AI, Trump, China and the Weaponization of Robotics with...
The Classy Ivanka Trump joined Suzette Kent and Kelvin Droegemeier yesterday for the White House AI Summit. Ivanka Trump spoke about the need for American AI Leadership, development of AI workforce skills and Governmental wide...
In early 2019, The AI Organization, discovered China plans to use Huawei to Dominate BRI by connecting an AI digital brain to robotics and drones via the 5G network. China can enslave humanity, as it would...
The Chinese Communist Regime has surveilled every church and Christian in China via cameras, registration, membership, social credit system, public data imprints and espionage. People's bio-metric data of face, voice and health information has been extracted...