The AI Organization

The AI Organization



Security News & Analysis on the Trump Administration

In early 2019, The AI Organization, discovered China plans to use Huawei to Dominate BRI by connecting an AI digital brain to robotics and drones via the 5G network. China can enslave humanity, as it would... How did one Book Cover by Cyrus A. Parsa Predict the Virus, Lockdown, Vaccines, Digital IDs, Drones, Chaos, and everything related to China CCP, Big Tech and AI? More than all...
Digital Codes in Google & Baidu Platforms This AI Intelligence report is not to blame anyone or particular entity mentioned, yet it discloses some key elements in a Pawn Game with a global...
DECLASSIFIED May-June 2019 Cyrus-Trump Contact Bio-Weapon/Virus Report I met with President Trump's Family friend in Washington D.C on May and June 2019. I told him that in China the CCP is building an invisible...
The following findings by Cyrus. A. Parsa, The AI Organization, were discovered by using Cutting Edge Bio-Metric tools, and validated with patents and the obvious common sense, cause and affect. Video Version Below
Google has had a base in China for years providing training and Artificial Intelligence expertise to Chinese companies who are beholden to the Chinese Communist Regime's will. Eric Schmidt, Former CEO of Google, played a role...
About The AI Organization The AI Organization specializes in research, design, development, risk assessment and vulnerability consultation of Humanoid Robots, Micro-Botics, AI & Robotic Terrorism, AI Automated Drones, AI...
The Chinese Communist Regime, has persecuted, raped, tortured, enslaved, and murdered its own citizens for 70 years since its inception. This does not exclude mass enslavement and organ harvesting of Falun Dafa Practitioners, Tibetans, Christians, Uygurs,...
Your smart phone, actually connects not only with the Internet, but to your Bio-Digital Human Network, Bio-Digital Field, and attacks your own Bio-Matter which gives you human characteristics. Any connection to you via IoT, Smart Phones,...
I approve this message, Cyrus A. Parsa, The AI Organization The Following Categories are not limited to Article 3 of the Genocide Convention, rather Article 1, 2, 4, and U.S codes on Genocide,...