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Artificial Intelligence Dangers to Humany

The AI Organization's AI bio-metric scans of the human brain have decoded a bio-logical structure in the pineal gland that interconnects throughout the neural network of the human brain. We have termed the entire interconnection as...
The relationship between Iran (Persia) and China (Middle Kingdom) goes back 2300 hundred years to the Qing Dynasty's first dispatch of exploratory missions to Persia. The ancient Chinese and Greeks described in their literature the... Full Article Coming Soon.
Digital Codes in Google & Baidu Platforms This AI Intelligence report is not to blame anyone or particular entity mentioned, yet it discloses some key elements in a Pawn Game with a global...
Chinese CCP Dictator Jiang Zemin was mentioned On page 253 of Artificial Intelligence Dangers to Humanity. I published on page 253 that an invisible weapon is being launched by the CCP and that the Fmr. Dictator Jiang...