The AI Organization

The AI Organization

This new book (THE GREAT RESET: How Big Tech Elites and the World's People Can Be Enslaved by China CCP or A.I.) is meant to be a neutral analysis and depiction of threats to world leaders, big...
In respect for and the sprit of Black History Month, the Black Community and the security of humanity at large, I write this article as a warning about China CCP, their racism, and ask that it be...
Director, Creative Analysis & Defensive Innovations Cyrus A. Parsa, is the Founder and CEO of The AI Organization, where he is also Director of Creative Analysis & Defensive Innovations. He has researched...
Livox Livox is a Chinese company that develops Lidar for 3D mapping and imaging of mechatronic and robotic systems. These capabilities can be installed in humanoid robots, machines, IoT’s, command centers, drones and...
The Chinese regime has been developing its AI based capabilities for combat related scenarios, both military and security. Megvii Face++ AKA (Kuangshi) a Beijing company with over 300,000 developers, and bases globally has been used by China's...
This is an extract of interview by Global Center for Quitting the CCP Question: Cyrus, could you please introduce your company and main book Artificial Intelligence Dangers to Humanity?
The Age of Artificial Intelligence, Machines, 5G and the Internet of things are upon us. The complexity, challenges, hopes and dangers are enormous and interconnect every person on the planet in many ways. The Geo-Politics of AI,...
DJI Drones can be purchased for your families use at Best Buy, Amazon and numerous other outlets. That being said, DJI is headquartered in Shenzhen, the silicon valley of China with multiple offices in Hong...
China's Communist Government has been attempting to build a God Like AI Machine stolen from Google's Deepmind AI. They were able to do this with espionage, forced tech transfer, IP theft, plagiarism, and collaboration with Google. Their...
Ancient Beliefs, Religions and Books Describing UFO's Descriptions of Demons, Aliens, Animal Hybrids and UFO's can be found in ancient ruins and texts of Persia, Greece, Egypt, Africa, Sumeria, India, China, Japan and the...