This Press Release makes public our Report to the White House and Secret Service in the Spring of 2019, entailing China’s plan to use Micro-Bot’s, cybernetic enhanced dragon flies, and Robo insect drones infused with poison, guided by...
In early 2019, The AI Organization, discovered China plans to use Huawei to Dominate BRI by connecting an AI digital brain to robotics and drones via the 5G network. China can enslave humanity, as it would...
What are the inter-connections between AI, U.S, China, Big Tech and the worlds use of Facial Recognition, Bio-Metrics, Drones, Smart Phones, Smart Cities, IoT, VR, Mixed Reality, 5G, Robotics, Cybernetics, & Bio-Digital Social...
China has advanced its Artificial Intelligence capability to scary levels through espionage, force tech transfers, open-source sharing, collaboration, IP theft, western investment and a lot of practice. According to our intelligence, China has around 1,000 start...
Your smart phone, actually connects not only with the Internet, but to your Bio-Digital Human Network, Bio-Digital Field, and attacks your own Bio-Matter which gives you human characteristics. Any connection to you via IoT, Smart Phones,...
Why would a Facial Recognition Company that transitioned to AI, suddenly purchase so many Robotic Factories all over China? Face++ promotes their open source software in the U.S and around the world, giving it access to...
This book will disclose our Micro-Botic Terrorism (MBT) brief submitted to Washington in the spring of 2019. It will expand by explaining the discovery of Bio-Digital Social Programming within the Human-Bio-Digital Network, IoT, Internet, Smart Phones,...
About The AI Organization
The AI Organization specializes in research, design, development, risk assessment and vulnerability consultation of Humanoid Robots, Micro-Botics, AI & Robotic Terrorism, AI Automated Drones, AI...
AI Deep Learning
"Deep Learning, resembles a human beings process to observe information by smell, touch, taste, visual, audible or subconscious senses that can be deemed as gut feelings all combined to recognize,...