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6 Billion People’s Personal Biometrics Stolen by China for their Quantum Artificial Intelligence Military Program

Almost 7 Billion Peoples Bio-Metrics
6 Billion of the Worlds Citizens Bio-Metrics Extracted China's Communist Government has extracted over 6 billion peoples biometrics, including facial, voice and personal health data to empower their Quantum Artificial Intelligence program meant for military purposes. This includes almost every American, Canadian, and European persons living today, every person in China, and Less...

Media Reporters, Editors, Owners Groomed and Programmed to Hurt the Worlds People with A.I. Bio-Digital Social Programming?

Media Programming People
Grooming and Programming Before AI Prior to the invent of the internet, and today's A.I base technologies, the interconnection between think tanks, government bodies, universities, "Expert Commentators", corporations, politicians, and breaking news, all formed into mechanisms that weaponized the media, its reporters, owners, and editors to be groomed and used like prostitutes to...

People Programmed to Attack Trump with Artificial Intelligence, Google, Social Media and Smart Phones Part 1

Programmed by AI to Attack President Trump
The following findings by Cyrus. A. Parsa, The AI Organization, were discovered by using Cutting Edge Bio-Metric tools, and validated with patents and the obvious common sense, cause and affect. Video Version Below People's Brains and Neural Networks Reprogrammed with Smart Phones AI systems on Google, Social Media Platofrms.

Googles CoronaVirus Death Count: A.I. Algorithmic Manipulation, Demonetization of Alternative News Sources, Mutated Vaccine

CornonaVirus 3D Rendering
Corona Virus Death Count Under Reported Numerous reports have reached The AI Organization that the actual number of people exposed to the virus is in the millions, in a country of over 1.5 Billion Chinese people, while alternative and independent reporters and outlets have been demonetized by You Tube, and penalized via other...

Why We Sued Google, Facebook, Neuralink for Misuse of A.I, Endangering Humanity & Call For Action

Google, Facebook, Nueralink Sued & Why Please View Video Explanation. Original article released in December can be found on this website giving a further overview of the immense importance of this big tech lawsuit on behalf of Humanity. Original complaint is 50 pages, displaying penal...

Fmr. CIA Director Cover OCC Given Brief : China Weaponizing A.I Crowd Human and Object 365 for Assassination and Threatens the World.

BRIEF INCLUDES THE AI ORGANIZATION AND CYRUS. A PARSA FINDING's THAT ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENECE CAN RECOGNIZE AND DOCODE THE FOLLIOWNG ON ALL HUMAN BEINGS A. Recognition of AI development to single out Conservatives vs. Liberals B. Recognition of AI Development to single out Faith Groups vs. Communist/Atheists. C.Recognition...

All Media, Corporations, Banks, & Politicians Can be Sued & Charged with Article 3 of the Genocide Convention for Complicity

All Media, Press, Reporters, Corporations, CEO's, Banks, and Politicians can be sued and charged with article 3 of the Genocide Convention for Complicity in China and Prevention of crimes to humanity
I approve this message, Cyrus A. Parsa, The AI Organization The Following Categories are not limited to Article 3 of the Genocide Convention, rather Article 1, 2, 4, and U.S codes on Genocide, and other penal codes we used to charge defendants Google, Facebook, Nearalink, Zuckerberg, Sergey Brin, Elon Musk, Sandar Pichai, Larry...


Lawsuit of The Century
原告 The AI Organization, Inc, Cyrus A. Parsa, 迫害,強姦,虐待,集中營,色情,中國,香港,美國及全球針對於包括但不限於在中國境內被虐待和殺害的民運人士,法輪功修煉者,維吾爾人,基督教徒,藏人,法官,律師, 人口和器官販運受害者 被告 谷歌(GOOGLE L.L.C), 脸书(FACEBOOK), DEEP MIND, ALPHABET, NEARALINK, 特斯拉(TESLA),  伊隆·马斯克(Elon Musk), 马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg), 拉里·佩奇(Larry Page), 谢尔盖·布林(Sergey Brin), 桑达·皮采(Sundar Pichai), PR News Wire, John Does 1-29 訴狀 濫用人工智能,神經機械,機器人技術,生物識別,生物工程,5G和量子計算技術誤用人工智能技術危害人類向中國轉讓人工智能技術武器參與同共謀中國種族滅絕罪行違反《防止及懲治危害種族罪公約》第一條違反《防止及懲治危害種族罪公約》第二條違反《防止及懲治危害種族罪公約》第三條違反《防止及懲治危害種族罪公約》第四條運用人工智能操縱人類社會運用其生物識別技術同人工智能以編碼人類同人類社會運用人工智能編程及算法偏差以洗腦人類濫用人工智能以實現文化滅絕違反誠信善意與公平交易原則誹謗失職致人精神損害失職創造不道德之人工智能技術運用人工智能技術掩蓋種族滅絕罪行舞弊同刻意欺騙失職歪曲事實宗教歧視參與交互程序失敗人工智能審查同查禁《人工智能,特朗普,中國以及機器人技術運用5G的武器化》“AI, Trump, China...

Google, Facebook, Neuralink Sued for Weaponized AI Tech Transfer, Complicity to Genocide in China and Endangering Humanity with Misuse of AI

Lawsuit of The Century
This is the most significant and important lawsuit of the 21st century, and it impacts the entire world. CEO's and Founders Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Sergey Brin, Larry Page and Sandar Pichai are also named as defendants along with their companies.   CASE SUMMARY FACTS