Corona Virus Not Planned By Human Beings
Cyrus A. Parsa The AI Organization,


Published Worlds Citizens in Danger from China and Big Tech 2019

August 24th, 2019 and October 20, 2019 I published books stating worlds citizens are in danger via China and big tech. Dangers comprised of enslavement, drones, machines, AI engineered hybrid animal virus’s, 5G, AI, surveillance, Digital ID’s, famines, conflicts and wars. Books were AI, Trump, China & the Weaponization of Robotics With 5G and Artificial Intelligence Dangers to Humanity.

Corona Virus/CCP Virus AI Hybird Animal-Human Engineered

In the books I published that China is working on mixing animals and humans with the use of Artificial Intelligence and that there was a danger of an A.I hybrid engineered disease to the worlds citizens. In fact, I disclosed this in the subtitle of the book cover AI, Trump, China and the Weaponization of Robotics with 5G. The following extract from the subtitle sums it up and is further explained in the book Artificial Intelligence Dangers to Humanity. “How China and Big Tech threaten the worlds people via The Human Bio-Digital Network” That was expounded on in the books.

CCP Virus with Plague Qualities for Some Human Beings, Immunity for Others, and Vague Results For the Rest

The Covid 19 or Alternatively the CCP Virus has been known to attack the lungs, the nervous system and contribute to various types of organ failures, including what is known as Covid Toes on some people with and without pre-existing conditions. Some animals have contracted the disease, and some food supplies, including some food or fruit have been contaminated with the CCP Virus in various parts around the world. The virus can be on objects, and can penetrate living organisms, humans, animals, food and crop. That being said, it seems it is deadly for some people, and the majority react as if it is a flue, while some are immune to it. Yet, it is very sophisticated, hard to detect and understand. As if the CoronaVirus CCP Virus was engineered with specific targets.

Lock-Down or Freedom?

The fear of the people from the left is that if they don’t hide in their homes until a vaccine or cure is found, they could die. The fear of the people on the right is they could die through famine, conflicts, civil discord, debilitating vaccines, wars, technocratic enslavement or undergo tremendous suffering from loss of job or their freedoms as provided by the constitution or their faith and common sense of free will. Benjamin Franklin before making any decision would outweigh the positives and negatives first. In this case, liberals find it hard to believe that conservatives think they want to enslave them with machines, robots, AI, 5G, forced vaccines, drones, and the shredding of the constitution. Conservatives find it hard to believe that this entire event is occurring at the same time that machines, drones, robots, 5G, AI and Vaccines, are coming into play. The fact is, this entire event is not planned by left or right. The logical and best solution is freedom for those who want freedom and homes and vaccinations for those who do not. Those who stay in their homes are quarantined until they receive their vaccine or what they think will be a cure, and those who are free are warned that some can suffer A, B and C, and live your life in accordance with your freedom. Those who choose freedom of choice do not affect those who stay in their homes, and do whatever WHO, their doctor or government recommends and does not mandate with force. In the interim, the right could respect the wishes of the left to have social distance from each other. Considering the tension between the 2, they may be best suited for civil communication from a distance.

Plagues in History

It is unlikely there was a time that a civilization stopped food production or commerce during a plague and they survived. If there was a plague, they still worked and provided food, and were very cautious in their conduct. In fact, that is why they kept a social distance, greeted each others from distance with bows, and kept a monogamous lifestyle as to not spread the plague through sexual contact. This Covid Virus has been sited by multiple news outlets and from the LGTBQ community news outlets that people of a different sexual orientation are more susceptible to Covid 19 in multiple ways. This virus is very sophisticated, and it has targets starting with certain groups of people in China based on intelligence we have received from direct sources that have access to China at its most sensitive locations. The greatest impact and loss of life was in China, while millions in the U.S and Europe experienced strong symptoms of the flue in January as they were exposed to Covid 19-CCP Virus, yet they made it through. It was reported that tens of millions died in China from the Virus, Famine, and Murder at the hands of the Chinese Communist Military.

Not Planned by Human Beings

The right thinks this event is a plandemic by the left big tech companies and politicians who have been attempting to sack Trump and take over with their technocracy. The left wants to take over politically and they are overwhelmingly invested in the tech industry, but they find the rights suspicion of the left planning the virus to take over, “Plandemec” and the virus being a hoax, silly. In fact, this event and the spawning of the virus is no coincidence, and it is very sophisticated. It was not planned by the left or right. This event or the creation of the CCP Virus/Corona Virus was not planned or spawned by human beings. Albeit it involved human beings, animals and the use of Artificial Intelligence in China. I was right about everything thus far, and tweeted about this in February, and published that this would happen in 2019. A very credible source has verified that in fact the Covid 19-CCP Virus was not a planned creation of human beings. This is very hard for the average person who taps into 5% of their brains capacity at any given time while filled with fear or emotion to accept, let alone phantom when, how, what and why. There are trillions of galaxies,planets and parallel universes, and humans are bound to form their perceptions via their 5 senses or the limitations of computers and machines. In the future many people will see the truth of this event, and will be in shock way beyond the current state of events that has humans hiding in their homes as if they are mice escaping extermination.

Concluding Statement on AI Composed Corona/CCP Virus Not Planned by Human Beings.

This entire event was not planned by human beings. All human beings are precious, should be valued. They should also realize this themselves. The image of a human being is meant to be of noble character. It is said in every ancient place, faith and culture, that humans are made in the image of God or the creator. Thus, there are certain requirements to have and to meet the designation that is beyond the conduct of an animals. The longer the U.S delays in exposing China CCP for their concentration camps that produced genocide of the people in China, not to exclude Falun Dafa Practitioners, the Christians, Tibetans, Uhgurs, and the common citizens with the use of western tech and trade, the worse it will get around the globe for the worlds citizens. Riots, famine, civil unrest, disease, and a chain reaction that could lead to global conflicts and wars. Some people call this sin, some karma, some bad luck. Some say what comes around goes around, some say its cause and affect, others say it is a chain of reaction.

Time is of the essence. Everything is interconnected. Geo-Politics, Finance, AI Tech, Emotions, Free Will and Destiny intertwined for all the worlds citizens at a level that requires high level thinking, faith and awakening to comprehend and act with righteousness. No matter what happens, we as a society should not have fear, yet be cautious, calm, rational, kind, and find the middle way. The middle way doesn’t mean force everyone to stay in their homes, nor does it mean to be irresponsible. Free will and choice have always been given to human beings. There are relics around the world depicting ancient civilizations, and what scientists today call myths of destruction because of unethical behavior or destructive technological advancements. No King, World Leader, Army or People’s had the power to do anything when they reached a certain stage. The greatest thing we can do is expose the Chinese Communist Government for their murdering of 10s of millions of people in their concentration camps, including organ harvesting, going back 2 decades as the West looked the other way, did business with them and provided technologies to enable the CCP to target, quarantine, arrest and kill their own citizens. The entire world needs to sincerely ask for forgiveness for turning the other way, doing business with this murderous uncivilized gangster of a regime called the CCP and contributing to the chaos the world is in today via conflicts and mistakes. This includes any person or entity they have taken advantage of in their personal lives. Thirdly, it would be great to wish for a future for humanity filled with awakening, enlightenment and a high degree of ethics and morals. A future where human beings are no longer selfish and harm others, rather selfless peoples.

Cyrus A. Parsa, The AI Organization